NOTICE TO ALL TENANTS (Lusaka & Copperbelt)

27-Sep-2018 | News & Events | M Bwalya | 2 min read

same same

This serves to inform you that the deadline for payment of Withholding Tax on rent for the month of July is the 14th August 2018. Please ensure that you pay on time to avoid penalties for late payment.

Conveniently register and make payments online and through mobile money

In order to make payments, you will need the following:

1. Your TPIN Number

2. Landlords' TPIN Number

3. Register for Withholding Tax 

4. Submit your returns 

5. Pay through Mobile Money, Online, Bank or directly at ZRA offices

Please pay your tax on time to avoid any inconvenience.

All this can be done online by the click of a button.



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